How Barbara Pantuso and Lisa Reid from Nimble Works, Own It

Today we’re talking to Barbara Pantuso and Lisa Reid from Nimble Works. These sisters started their creative collaboration when they were kids with a fun neighborhood newspaper. But they didn’t always work together. In fact, Barbara started her professional career in the restaurant business.  Lisa’s career was more rooted in writing and marketing creative. Eventually, the entrepreneurial spirit led the sisters into business together. Barbara talked Lisa into joining her in the venture that became Nimble Works which is now an amazing healthcare focused firm blazing new trails in creative and beyond. We talked about their journeys to ownership and unique perspectives on closing the gender gap in ownership in our business. I so love learning of different and interesting journeys. Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Barbara Pantuso and Lisa Reid from Nimble Works. You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the agency’s website in our show notes at If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community.  Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …


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