How Faith Hurley and Stacy Callighan of PinPoint Creative, Own It

On this week's episode of OWN IT, we’re talking to Faith Hurley and Stacy Callighan from PinPoint Collective. In many ways these two power women are the Odd Couple, from their interests … food versus working out … to their backgrounds … Faith was an actor in a previous professional life. Stacy was an architect. They met at a human-centered research and design firm. Faith gathered insights and Stacy designed a future not yet imagined with them. They launched PinPoint Collective in 2018 as a research and design agency with a mission to advance female leaders and create inclusive community by making design thinking equally accessible. There’s so much to dig into here. We loved this conversation and know you will, too. Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Faith Hurley and Stacy Callighan from PinPoint Collective. You can find links to their LinkedIn profiles and the agency website in our show notes at If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community.  Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …


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